October 13, 2015 5.20 pm This story is over 106 months old

Fire-struck Lancaster Bomber to give Lincoln memorial a belated welcome

An iconic sight: Lincolnshire’s Lancaster Bomber will fly over the International Bomber Command memorial spire on Canwick Hill on October 14.

Lincolnshire’s fire-struck Lancaster Bomber is wasting no time in honouring the Lincoln Bomber Command memorial after being given the green light to fly again.

People in Lincoln will be able to watch the country’s last flying Lancaster Bomber (Thumper) alongside the International Bomber Command memorial spire on Canwick Hill on Wednesday, October 14.

Please note: There will be no access to the memorial site for members of the public.

As previously reported, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight’s Thumper was grounded in May due to an engine fire.

To the disappointment of many, the Lancaster wasn’t ready in time for the unveiling of the spire before over 200 veterans on October 2.

Hundreds gathered on Monday, October 12 as the aircraft finally passed it’s test flight at its RAF Coningsby base.

RAF Coningsby's Lancaster Bomber.

RAF Coningsby’s Lancaster Bomber.

RAF Coningsby BBMF spokesperson Jim Robinson said: “There were several events that the Lancaster had to be pulled out of due to the engine fire in May.

“One of the biggest and most disappointing things that the aircraft missed was the unveiling of the International Bomber Command memorial on Canwick Hill.

“This was one of the first things the crew wanted to do as soon as Thumper was airworthy.”

The flypast is expected at 11am.