October 14, 2015 1.37 pm This story is over 111 months old

Plans for 120 homes on edge of Lincoln put on hold by council

Decision delayed: North Kesteven District Council has deferred a decision on controversial proposals for 120 homes off Canwick Avenue in Bracebridge Heath.

North Kesteven District Council has deferred a decision on controversial proposals for 120 homes off Canwick Avenue in Bracebridge Heath.

As previously reported, applicants Linden Homes submitted outline plans for the development east of the village, with up to 25% of new homes to be classed as affordable housing.

The developers said that the properties would be sustainable and “reflect the accommodation needs of different people, families and ages,” and will include two, three, four and five bedroom houses.

The proposed development

The proposed development

However, at a meeting of North Kesteven District Council’s planning committee on October 13, councillors and local residents raised their concerns about the proposed development.

Leading the objections was Bracebridge Parish Council, who said that the plans would have a detrimental impact on schools and health services in the area, which they argued are already at breaking point.

Other objectors described the proposed development as “ill-conceived,” and warned that it would have a lasting negative impact for residents living on Bath Road and Westminster Drive.

Council leader Marion Brighton also confirmed that “there are a lot of problems with this application.”

It is unclear at this present time when a final decision will be made.

However, North Kesteven has confirmed that the decision has been deferred for the following reasons:

1. To address concerns over the adverse impacts on amenity of the residents in Westminster Drive and Bath Road, the applicant to investigate an alternative means of access to the site, including for construction traffic.

2. The provision of a new independent access to Canwick Manor Farm to accommodate all the movements of agricultural vehicles.

3. For the applicant to show how the proposed development relates to the future development of the Sustainable Urban Extension as a whole through a masterplan prepared with the other landowners/developers.

4. For officers to review the consultee responses and review the sustainability of the development having regard to health provision, public transport and education.