October 30, 2015 12.46 pm This story is over 106 months old

University chaplain to be installed as Lincoln Cathedral Priest Vicar

Joining the Cathedral community: The Dean of Chapel and Chaplain at Bishop Grosseteste University is to join Lincoln Cathedral as Priest Vicar next week.

The Dean of Chapel and Chaplain at Bishop Grosseteste University is to join Lincoln Cathedral as Priest Vicar next week.

The Rev Dr Peter Green will be installed at a ceremony in St Hugh’s Choir at Lincoln Cathedral at 5.30pm on Tuesday, November 3.

Peter, who has been in post at BGU since 2012, said: “To be invited to be a member of the foundation of one of the most stunning architectural statements of Christian faith in the world is a wonderful privilege and opportunity.

“The way that universities use cathedral titles to describe some of their officers, such as Chancellor and Dean, shows the hugely important role played by the church in the development of higher education in Europe.

“It is wonderful therefore that a university like BGU with its Anglican foundation is being given a chance to deepen its relationship with the cathedral – especially given that it is the resting place of our namesake Bishop Robert Grosseteste.

“I hope to use this role to encourage all who use our chaplaincy to participate more fully in the life of the cathedral, both spiritually and educationally.”

Priest Vicars at Lincoln Cathedral support the worshipping life of the cathedral by occasionally leading worship and its pastoral outreach and help to support those who come to the cathedral looking for spiritual support.