November 19, 2015 2.27 pm This story is over 103 months old

Appeal launched for “horrendously mistreated” dog brought in to Lincoln kennels

Poor Lexi: A Lincoln rescue kennel is appealling for donations to restore a severely mistreated dog to health after she was brought in to them riddled with ailments.

A Lincoln rescue kennel is appealling for donations to restore a severely mistreated dog to health after she was brought in to them riddled with ailments.

The dog, named Lexi, was brought to Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels in Ingham north of Lincoln in an extremely poor state at earlier in the month by a local council.

Lexi was severely overbred and suffers with extremely swollen teats and tumours.

Lexi was severely overbred and suffers with extremely swollen teats and tumours.

Used as a ‘puppy machine’ she is said to have been overbred with swollen, staging teats, plagued by tumours and suffering with a flea infestation.

Staff at the kennels say she is in desperate need of an x-ray and two operations – a process which will prove costly to the charity, which relies heavily on donations.

She was left with dangerously swollen paws, with her claws growing inwards and causing infection.

She was left with dangerously swollen paws, with her claws growing inwards and causing infection.

A Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels spokesperson said: “Unfortunately Lexi has been very badly treated in her life so far and was in a very poorly state when she reached us.

“As soon as Lexi came to Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels she was taken straight to the veterinary hospital and under went a consultation with the vet, Lexi was then given medications to treat her immediate health problems.

“However Lexi is now in desperate need of an x-ray and two operations to bring her back to good health, this as you can imagine is going to be an expensive process and Lexi will need a lot of extra care during the weeks before, during and after her surgeries.”

Despite her ordeal, staff say she is very friendly.

Despite her ordeal, staff say she is very friendly.

Her health conditions also include:

  • Overbreeding, giving birth to her last litter this year, aged nine
  • Internal mammary tumours – with one breaking through the skin
  • Skin conditions, bald patches and dead skin after suffering with fleas
  • Severe ear infections left untreated have cause her ear canal to almost fully close
  • Claws which have grown into her feet and a deformed, painful toe
She suffers with multiple tumours.

She suffers with multiple tumours.

Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels are appealing for funds to bring her back to health.

Lincolnshire Rescue Kennels are appealing for funds to bring her back to health.

Staff say: “Despite being horrendously treated, Lexi is a fantastic dog and is so friendly and loving. We would love to be able to get her the treatment she needs and, once she has recovered, find her the loving home she really needs and truly deserves.”

Anyone wishing to help Lexi can send in donations via Paypal to [email protected], quoting reference Lexi.

So far, the kennels have managed to raise £200 by spreading the word on their Facebook page, but they say they still have a long way to go.

More details about how to help can be found on the kennels’ website here.