November 17, 2015 4.44 pm This story is over 105 months old

Governors needed for Lincolnshire mental health and social care trust

Become a governor: A Lincolnshire NHS trust has vacancies for four new governors.

A Lincolnshire NHS trust which provides specialist mental health and social care services is searching for new governors.

By-elections for four empty seats on Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust’s Council of Governors will take place in December, and nominations are now open.

Two seats are up for election in the Public Governor class – Borough of Boston, and South Holland – and two in the Service User and Carer class – Young People Carer, and Learning Disabilities Carer.

Seven district councils are represented in the Public Governor constituency, with one extra seat covering the surrounding area.

In total there are 13 Service User and Carer Governor seats representing the voice of patients and carers across services including older adults, young people, and learning disabilities.

Only trust members can become governors, and the job involves representing the public and holding the Board of Directors to account.

Trust Chair Paul Devlin said: “Our governors play an important role in holding our board to account and ensuring we do the very best for our patients. In addition, they are a strong link to our local communities.

“Being elected as a governor is a privilege that can bring real personal reward, and we’d like people to come forward who want to drive forward service improvements to ensure the trust continues to deliver the highest standard of care.

“We’re looking for people with fresh ideas who can bring their passion and expertise to the trust for the benefit of everyone who uses our services.”

Nominations will remain open until 5pm on Tuesday November 24, with voting taking place throughout December and January.

Election results will be declared on Thursday, January 7.

To find out more, contact Samantha Swindell, LPFT Governor and Membership Officer on 01529 222277 or [email protected]

Nomination forms can be obtained from the Electoral Reform Service by calling 020 8889 9203.