December 2, 2015 10.16 am This story is over 104 months old

One-stop-shop for unemployed young people in Lincoln given financial boost by council

Support project: A project to help young people in Lincoln who are not in employment, education or training has been given the green light.

A project to help young people in Lincoln who are not in employment, education or training has been given additional resources.

The Network aims to be a sustainable and innovative one-stop-shop facility, providing employment opportunities for young people across Lincoln through advice, guidance and support services.

City of Lincoln Council’s Executive committee approved a £26,000 cash injection each year up to March 2021 of strategic money already allocated to youth unemployment at a meeting on November 30.

Councillors also agreed to change The Network to a separate charity with Councillor Rosanne Kirk, Portfolio Holder for Social Inclusion and Community Cohesion, approved to sit on the management board.

Councillor Rosanne Kirk

Councillor Rosanne Kirk

The Network is currently run as a partnership by a management board.

Councillor Kirk said: “I’m delighted to be part of the management board of The Network.

“By creating a one-stop-shop it means there’ll be somewhere where young people, parents, carers, employers and anyone interested in education, employment and training can go to and obtain information, advice and guidance on a range of matters.

“As a council, two of our aims are to grow the local economy and protect the poorest people and The Network will go a long way to help us to fulfil these.

“I look forward to seeing the benefits The Network will bring to young people in the city.”

The Network will be based on the ground floor of City Hall in early 2016.

Day-to-day staffing will be put in place by Voluntary Centre Services who will make the initial contact with those accessing the service, signposting individuals to the help on offer.

It will be supported administratively by City of Lincoln Council and Citizens Advice.