December 3, 2015 10.59 am This story is over 110 months old

Lincoln residents split over decision to extend ISIL airstrikes into Syria

Poll results: Readers of The Lincolnite have been giving their thoughts Britain’s decision to take part in airstrikes against ISIL extremists in Syria.

Readers of The Lincolnite have been giving their thoughts on Britain’s decision to take part in airstrikes against ISIL extremists in Syria.

A poll on our story published on December 2 saw 452 people respond, with 58% against British involvement in airstrikes in Syria.

The results of our poll

The results of our poll

Almost 200 responded to our separate Twitter poll, with 40% in favour of the airstrikes and 60% against.

The Twitter poll

The Twitter poll

Facebook readers also engaged in passionate arguments throughout the past 24 hours.

Christopher Hodgson, speaking in favour of the airstrikes, said: “It’s our duty to support our allies – we are a key member of the UN and a resolution has been passed calling for action against IS.

“Our contribution may be small but frankly I would be embarrassed if we had to rely heavily upon other countries.”

However, Rob Pearson was sceptical, adding: “If anyone seriously thinks that bombing Syria will do anything beyond radicalising more people or that it will stop a terrorist attack in the UK they are living in cloud cuckoo land!”

Dave Spence, like many, was undecided.

He said: “I am not sure after being in Afghanistan. We spent years there where lives were lost, it cost an absolute fortune and we did not defeat the Taliban. Afghanistan is just as bad today if not worse.

“The same could happen again but I do see that they want to be seen to be proactive after what happened in Paris. Tough decision.”