February 25, 2016 8.54 am This story is over 106 months old

Stark warning after dramatic rise in Lincolnshire road deaths

Road deaths rocket: The Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership has warned drivers to take extra care after a spike in road deaths in the county.

An alarming rise in the number of deaths recorded on Lincolnshire’s roads since the start of 2016 has sparked a sobering reminder from the county’s road safety partnership.

Since the start of the year Lincolnshire roads have claimed 13 lives compared to three in the same period in 2015.

Three of those killed have been under 24 years of age and fall into Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership’s ‘Young Drivers’ category and as such are a vulnerable group.

Additionally the partnership, which was formed to reduce the number of incidents on the county’s roads, confirmed there are 12 investigations underway for those that have suffered serious injury on the roads.

Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership spokesperson John Siddle said: “Whilst we cannot make comment on those incidents that are under investigation, it is becoming clear that we are suffering a similar amount of incidents and casualties that came about at the turn of the century when 104 people died on our roads in 1999 (also 2003).

“The causation factors then were travelling too fast for the conditions as well as speed, travelling too close to the vehicle in front, not allowing enough time for the journey. Some were distracted by a number of in-car or external factors. The list goes on.

“Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership would like to remind drivers and riders to think about the journey they have to make, check your vehicle to make sure it is fit for the road, your tyres should be correctly inflated and legally within tread depth.

“Give yourself enough time to reach your destination without breaking the speed limit.

“Do not allow yourself to be distracted especially by using your phone, even a hands free call can distract you from what you should be concentrating on – the road!

“Clear the frost or snow from your car fully, allow time for this in the morning so you are not rushing to your destination.

“We are experiencing a lot of early morning incidents, some are weather related, however some of these could be avoided with a little more care and consideration.

“At this time of year the low setting sun and sunrise can become a hazard. Use your headlights if the sun is behind you – it will hopefully let you be seen by those blinded by the low sun.

“Keep a good distance from the car in front, give yourself time to react. Stop in good time and be a witness if it all goes wrong, rather than a statistic in the crash. Wear your seatbelt and do not drink, or take drugs, and drive.”