March 8, 2016 1.29 pm This story is over 101 months old

Lincolnshire Police student cohort smash chief’s fundraising challenge

Going the extra mile: A cohort of trainee Lincolnshire police officers have been congratulated after raising thousands of pounds for a charity close to their hearts.

A cohort of trainee Lincolnshire police officers have been congratulated after raising thousands of pounds for a charity close to their hearts.

For each new intake of student officers, Chief Constable Neil Rhodes sets the task of choosing a charity and raising as much cash as possible.

Cohort 17 certainly embraced that challenge with a fundraising plan which has seen a total of over £2,600 raised, with a valentine’s day raffle and cake sale netting over £700 alone.

The chosen charity, the British Heart Foundation, was picked by the group in honour of PC Terry Stamp and Nicolette Bosworth (partner of cohort 17’s PC Callum McDonald).

Terry survived a heart attack last year, and Nicolette become involved with the charity following her own heart surgery.

British Heart Foundation Fundraising Manager Helena Mair with Chief Constable Neil Rhodes and Cohort 17.

British Heart Foundation Fundraising Manager Helena Mair with Chief Constable Neil Rhodes and Cohort 17.

The cohort also held a Christmas jumper day, took part in the Lincoln Santa Fun Run and arranged for donation bags to be filled by staff.

Four brave representatives even took part in the Airfield Anarchy Frostbite challenge. This included 60 hurdles and obstacles to tackle over eight kilometres.

The last event was held on at Wragby Road Tesco in Lincoln where the cohort conducted a cycle challenge, adding another £250 to the total raised.

Chief Constable Neil Rhodes said: “My challenge to the student officers was to raise £1,000 for charity. I thought that they might raise a few hundred pounds, I hoped they might just raise £1000, I never expected them to raise anything like the amount they have.

“I have been amazed by their energy, their tenacity, and their sense of fun. I think it is tremendous that as a team they have managed to raise £2,600.

“I am really proud of them. If they put as much energy into policing the streets as they have into raising this money, then that bodes very well for the future.”