March 11, 2016 12.08 pm This story is over 106 months old

Police search for missing Lincolnshire man

Lincolnshire Police are appealing for help to trace a 46-year-old man who has gone missing. Barry Wright was last seen in Skegness on March 3 and officers believe he may still be in that area, Lincoln or Newark. The force has not ruled out the possibility that Barry is somewhere else in the country either.…

Lincolnshire Police are appealing for help to trace a 46-year-old man who has gone missing.

Barry Wright was last seen in Skegness on March 3 and officers believe he may still be in that area, Lincoln or Newark.

Missing Barry Wright. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

Missing Barry Wright. Photo: Lincolnshire Police

The force has not ruled out the possibility that Barry is somewhere else in the country either.

Anyone who knows where Barry is, should call 101.