April 18, 2016 9.35 am This story is over 100 months old

Council awarded £80k to teach youths about Lincolnshire war memorials

Lincolnshire County Council will support young people to create cycling and walking trails linking the county’s war memorials after receiving grants totalling almost £80,000. Thanks to grants of £59,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and £20,000 from the Covenant Fund, the council has launched a project called Memories and Memorials, which will support young people in learning…

Lincolnshire County Council will support young people to create cycling and walking trails linking the county’s war memorials after receiving grants totalling almost £80,000.

Thanks to grants of £59,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and £20,000 from the Covenant Fund, the council has launched a project called Memories and Memorials, which will support young people in learning about the memorials and the stories behind them.

The young people, some of whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds, will learn about their local memorials, and the casualties who are recorded on them.

They will also talk to local people who have had first-hand experience of conflict to help them understand the impact it has had on Lincolnshire’s individuals, families and communities.

Sarah Grundy, senior commissioning officer, said: “With our support, the young people will decide on the content and design of the trails, and will promote them to a wide audience to help them build their confidence and skills for the future.

“Almost every community in Lincolnshire has a war memorial of some kind, for conflicts ranging from the 19th century to the modern day. And this project will help ensure those stories are preserved for future generations.”

The project will run until June 2017.