May 30, 2016 9.10 am This story is over 103 months old

Overnight closure of Broadgate for road repairs

Broadgate in Lincoln city centre will be closed overnight for road repairs on Thursday, June 2. The road will be closed southbound from 8pm, Thursday, June 2, with approach roads to Broadgate closed from 6.30pm onwards. The closure is to allow essential repairs to the road surface, and will reopen at 6am on Friday, June 3.…

Broadgate in Lincoln city centre will be closed overnight for road repairs on Thursday, June 2.

The road will be closed southbound from 8pm, Thursday, June 2, with approach roads to Broadgate closed from 6.30pm onwards.

The closure is to allow essential repairs to the road surface, and will reopen at 6am on Friday, June 3.

The southbound lanes will be closed between Monks Road and Pelham Street, (to the north of Pelham Bridge), while the northbound lanes will remain open as usual.

For further information on road closures visit Lincolnshire County Council’s website or follow @LincsCC_roads.