August 31, 2016 9.13 am This story is over 94 months old

Gainsborough man attacked by strangers who followed him from pub

A man was kicked and punched after being followed from a Gainsborough town centre pub, Lincoln Crown Court was told. The victim James Hargreaves was drinking with a friend in the White Hart Hotel when, without any warning, a man jumped on his back and put him in a stranglehold. Tony Stanford, prosecuting, said that…

A man was kicked and punched after being followed from a Gainsborough town centre pub, Lincoln Crown Court was told.

The victim James Hargreaves was drinking with a friend in the White Hart Hotel when, without any warning, a man jumped on his back and put him in a stranglehold.

Tony Stanford, prosecuting, said that Mr Hargreaves was threatened and was left very frightened by the incident.

Mr Stanford told the court “James Hargreaves was in Gainsborough town centre. He had been to a karaoke evening.

“Towards the end of the evening he went into the White Hart Hotel. He was talking to a friend when out of the blue a male whom he didn’t know jumped on his back and put him in a stranglehold. The attacker was joined by another male.

“The smaller man said to him ‘Don’t you come back in here again’.

“The male then let go of him. Mr Hargreaves says he was extremely frightened. He thought he was going to be choked unconscious. Fearing for his safety he left the pub.

“He says he was followed into the street. Punches were thrown and he was taken to the ground.

“Kicks to the head and knees were going in. His head was being banged on the floor. His face was bleeding.

“He was shouting at his attackers that he’d had enough. The next thing he recalls is being alone in the street dazed and disorientated. He didn’t know any of the people who had attacked him.”

Mr Hargreaves suffered a cut above his right eye and a cut to his left ear. He was also left with a very painful jaw.

Mark Page, 30, his sister Lyndsey Dunsford, 32, and her husband Leonard Dunsford, 43, all of Trinity View. Gainsborough, each admitted assault occasioning actual bodily harm arising from the incident on March 18.

Recorder Peter Cooke adjourned sentence for a further hearing in December when evidence will be heard to establish the events which led up to the incident.

All three were granted bail.