August 4, 2016 3.27 pm This story is over 96 months old

In pictures: Scunthorpe’s worst parking offenders

The Lincolnshire Reporter team have searched far and wide for Scunthorpe’s worst drivers and found this assortment of not-so-beautifully parked cars in the area. Have you seen any examples that deserve the title: Scunthorpe’s worst driver? Here are some of our favourites: Double whammy Taken in a Scunthorpe car park, these two cars seem to…

The Lincolnshire Reporter team have searched far and wide for Scunthorpe’s worst drivers and found this assortment of not-so-beautifully parked cars in the area.

Have you seen any examples that deserve the title: Scunthorpe’s worst driver?

Here are some of our favourites:

Double whammy

Photo: Harry Whiteside

Photo: Harry Whiteside

Taken in a Scunthorpe car park, these two cars seem to have ignored the lines and started their own trend of parking. We wonder if it will catch on…

A bit wonky

Photo: Sammy Leaning

Just because it is dark, that is no excuse for bad parking. The other cars managed to park in the dark.

We didn’t want a path anyway

Photo: Jane Button Queen

Photo: Jane Button Queen

This driver’s car was that big that it had to take up the whole path as well as their driveway. The red car managed to fit in the gap…

That’s not even a space

Photo: Katherine Bryant

Photo: Katherine Bryant

Was Sainsbury’s car park in Scunthorpe that busy that the driver have to park on the road? Probably not.

In a rush?

Photo: Richard Hare

Photo: Richard Hare

It seems like this van driver was in that much of a rush to grab that bargain at Toy ‘R’ Us that they forgot how to park.

Taking the mick

Photo: Nick Lewis

Photo: Nick Lewis

At least they used a stand so the bike doesn’t fall over? Still not the best place to park a vehicle though.

Double the room

Photo: Doug Morrison

Photo: Doug Morrison

An awkward use of disabled spaces.

Have you got any photos or dash cam videos of Lincolnshire drivers that deserve a spot on Lincolnshire Reporter? Email them to [email protected]