April 26, 2017 8.12 am This story is over 88 months old

Biker killed in horror crash officially named

A biker who died in a horror crash between Waddingworth and Bardney has been officially named. Mark Russell, 56, and from Hemingby, was killed following a crash involving a silver Honda motorbike, silver Ford Ranger and silver Skoda at 5.15pm on Friday, March 31. He was killed at the scene. An inquest into this death…

A biker who died in a horror crash between Waddingworth and Bardney has been officially named.

Mark Russell, 56, and from Hemingby, was killed following a crash involving a silver Honda motorbike, silver Ford Ranger and silver Skoda at 5.15pm on Friday, March 31.

He was killed at the scene.

An inquest into this death opened at Lincoln Coroner’s Court on April 25.

Police are continuing their investigations.