April 13, 2017 2.30 pm This story is over 86 months old

Lincoln doctor makes video plea asking patients to save A&E for genuine emergencies

People in Lincolnshire have been urged to choose the right NHS service in an attempt to keep emergency services free for those who need them most. Dr Kishan Rees, from the United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trust (ULHT) has made a short video to recommend patients to different NHS services when they become unwell. The trust says around…

People in Lincolnshire have been urged to choose the right NHS service in an attempt to keep emergency services free for those who need them most.

Dr Kishan Rees, from the United Lincolnshire Hospital NHS Trust (ULHT) has made a short video to recommend patients to different NHS services when they become unwell.

The trust says around 30% of people who visit A&E could be treated or seen outside of hospital.

As reported previously, Lincoln A&E is suffering a staffing shortage, sparking an internal critical incident. The trust is struggling to fill rotas in the next few days and weeks. 

Dr Rees said: “We know that the different NHS services can be confusing for patients as they’re often unsure of where to go to get the best and most timely care for their condition.

“For immediate, life-threatening emergencies such as chest pain, breathing difficulties or serious trauma the public should not hesitate and always call 999.

“However many illnesses can be better treated by visiting your local pharmacy, contacting NHS 111, visiting your local GP, GP out of hours service, or attending a walk in centre or a minor injuries unit.

“If you need urgent medical advice but are unsure what to do, dial 111 and they will be able to direct you to the most appropriate service based on your symptoms.”