May 15, 2017 3.36 pm This story is over 85 months old

Grantham store has alcohol licence cancelled after illegal workers discovered by police

A store in Grantham has had its alcohol licence revoked after illicit cigarettes and illegal workers were found during two police raids. Biedronka, Wharf Road, Grantham, has had its Alcohol Premises Licence revoked by South Kesteven District Council. The Alcohol Licensing Team from Lincolnshire Police submitted paperwork for a Licence Review Hearing, following two consecutive…

A store in Grantham has had its alcohol licence revoked after illicit cigarettes and illegal workers were found during two police raids.

Biedronka, Wharf Road, Grantham, has had its Alcohol Premises Licence revoked by South Kesteven District Council.

The Alcohol Licensing Team from Lincolnshire Police submitted paperwork for a Licence Review Hearing, following two consecutive raids on the premises, with large quantities of illicit cigarettes seized and illegal workers discovered at the store on both occasions.

The cigarettes which were seized

On Friday, May 12, a hearing was held in front of South Kesteven District Council Licensing Sub-Committee.

After hearing all the evidence the committee agreed with the police that the premises had been actively involved in the illegal sale of illicit cigarettes and that the necessary right to work checks had not been completed for a male worker, who due to his current immigration status, was barred from any form of employment but was found to be working alone at the store.

Because of this they believed the licensing objectives of the prevention of crime and public safety were being undermined and their licence was revoked.

There is a 21 day appeal process; if no appeal is submitted then the revocation comes into action.

The store was initially raided in March 2017 where numerous breaches of the licence conditions were discovered.

A second raid took place in April 2017, following concerns that the store was still actively involved in the selling of illicit cigarettes.

On the second raid police seized a larger quantity of cigarettes hidden in a stock room and again encountered an illegal worker serving in the store.

Sergeant Kim Enderby from the Alcohol Licensing Team said: “This store was found to be actively involved in selling illicit cigarettes, employing illegal immigrants and breaching nearly all the conditions of their premises licence.”