May 15, 2017 10.46 am This story is over 85 months old

Lincoln school placed in special measures after Ofsted inspection

A Lincoln school has been rated as ‘inadequate’ in its latest Ofsted inspection. The inspection at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School on Wragby Road took place on March 15 and 16 and was found to be ‘inadequate’ in a number of areas after previously being rated as ‘good’. It was found that effectiveness of leadership, quality…

A Lincoln school has been rated as ‘inadequate’ in its latest Ofsted inspection.

The inspection at Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School on Wragby Road took place on March 15 and 16 and was found to be ‘inadequate’ in a number of areas after previously being rated as ‘good’.

It was found that effectiveness of leadership, quality of teaching and the outcomes for pupils at the school were inadequate, with personal development, behaviour and welfare needing improvement.

Ofsted inspectors said: “Leaders and governors have not acted quickly enough to challenge the poor performance of the school.

“As a result, too many pupils do not make the progress of which they are capable.

“Groups of pupils, including the most able pupils, are not making sufficient progress because they are not consistently helped to extend their learning.”

However, inspectors found that pupils at the school did behave well in lessons and felt safe on the grounds.

Martin Mcheowm, Headteacher at the school, said: “Our whole school community is both shocked and disappointed at the decision of Ofsted to put us in this category.

“Our aim now is to address the concerns raised in the report as swiftly as possible to ensure we provide the best possible education for every student in our school.

“Our staff, governors and students are extremely proud of our school and we will not let this stop us in our aim to be the best school in Lincolnshire.

“We will take radical action to ensure every student receives the high standard of education they deserve.”

Kate Wilson, Chair of Governors, added: “This is a challenging time for the school, but also a time of opportunity, and we have chosen to view this report as a catalyst for change, giving us a clear mandate for improvement.”