July 30, 2017 5.55 pm This story is over 83 months old

In pictures: Heckington Show 2017

Thousands of people flocked to the Heckington Show this weekend (July 29 and 30) to celebrate the 150th instalment of England’s largest village show. Throughout the weekend a variety of fun activities, livestock shows and equestrian events took place as well as a firework display on the Saturday night. Over 30,000 people attended the show…

Thousands of people flocked to the Heckington Show this weekend (July 29 and 30) to celebrate the 150th instalment of England’s largest village show.

Throughout the weekend a variety of fun activities, livestock shows and equestrian events took place as well as a firework display on the Saturday night.

Over 30,000 people attended the show last year and a similar number of people were expected this year.

The show, situated near Sleaford, is a registered charity that is run by a group of volunteers.