August 11, 2017 3.10 pm This story is over 82 months old

Bregrets in Boston: ‘I voted to leave, but I now regret it’

Watch what the people of Boston had to say on Brexit.

In the final instalment of ‘on Brexit’, Lincolnshire Reporter took a trip to Boston to speak to residents about last year’s referendum to see how if they had any regrets about how they voted.

Boston recorded the highest Leave percentage in the whole of the UK with 75.6% of people choosing to leave the EU.

Subsequently the town has been dubbed ‘Brexit capital of the UK’.

Local MP Matt Warman wanted to stay in the EU, however stated that promises must be kept and has not opposed Brexit.

Despite the high Leave result in Boston last year, Lincolnshire Reporter found a mixture of Leave and Remain voters.

“I voted Leave but I now regret it”

David Lamborn who voted Leave in last year’s referendum, said: “I now regret it.”

When quizzed why he regrets the decision he made, David replied: “I think it’s a real mess and I think we’d be better off remaining in the EU.”

Leave voter Christian Malford had much stronger views about his decision.

“I voted to leave because I see that the influx of Eastern Europeans and they’re not doing the country any good,” he said.

“The wartime generation of Poles and Czechs hate these people because they’re a product of Stalinist regime.”

Juliet Sellers, 57, voted to stay in the EU as she had a Polish son-in-law and believes “if we got rid of all of the foreign shops Boston would end up being a ghost town.”

However, Juliet believes “it won’t make any difference” whether we stay in the EU or not.

Brexit capital of the UK

“We’ve got a high influx of foreigners, we have some good workers but we get the dross as well,” was John Vere’s opinion when asked why Boston posted such a high Leave vote.

“I expected it to take a year to 18 months but I didn’t expect another general election, said the 70-year-old.

Remain voter David Woodward, 64, said: “People who are coming in are in the low paid jobs and putting pressure on the local people as there’s not much of a middle class in Boston.”