September 29, 2017 11.47 am This story is over 85 months old

‘Inadequate’ Scunthorpe GP surgery placed in special measures for second consecutive year

Lots of work for this GP surgery to do.

A Scunthorpe GP surgery has been placed in special measures by the Care Quality Commission for the second time in as many years.

The Market Hill 8-8 Surgery on West Street was inspected on June 22 and was rated inadequate in for safe service, service effectiveness and leadership.

In January 2016, the surgery, which has over 5,000 patients, was also rated inadequate and Core Care Links Limited was brought in by NHS England to provide emergency cover.

The report, which was published on September 28, found that patients were at risk of harm as systems and processes were not always implemented properly.

Furthermore, the report said there were “areas of concern related to medicines management, dealing with emergencies, management of unforeseencircumstances, training and management of patient confidentiality.

“The practice could not demonstrate how they ensured mandatory training and update training was completed for all staff. Gaps were identified in mandatory training such as infection control, fire safety, anaphylaxis and basic life support. These gaps put patients at risk.”

Dr Arun Nayyar, clinical director of Core Care Links said a great deal of work had been undertaken to improve quality and the experience of patients at Market Hill since the organisation started running the practice in January 2016.

“Some of our patients and their carers may be disappointed and concerned to see the inadequate rating,” said Dr Nayyar. “However a lot of positives are highlighted in the report and we would encourage our patients to talk to us if they have any worries or questions.”

“Patients can be reassured that a number of the concerns raised by the CQC arise from the situation before CCL took over the practice and we expect the findings to improve as the effects of our considerable efforts are seen.

“There is still further work to be done at the practice and we are committed to delivering this and are looking forward to working closely with our patients and staff to achieve the improvements.”

Catherine Wylie, director of nursing and quality assurance at NHS North Lincolnshire CCG, said both the CCG and NHS England were working closely with Core Care Links to support management and staff to continue to make improvements.

She said: “There is clearly a commitment to improve the experience of Market Hill patients and a lot of positive work has already been carried out.

“We are confident that the required changes are already being implemented and we would reassure patients that they are receiving safe care and they can speak to any member of staff if they have any concerns.”