November 7, 2017 3.53 pm This story is over 79 months old

‘I’ve seen elderly folk knocked down by cyclists’: Lincoln pavement ban debate continues

Cyclists and pedestrians alike are clashing over calls for police to enforce bans on pavement cycling in Lincoln. Residents have told of collisions between shoppers and cyclists in the city centre in a plea to bikers not to use footpaths, but others have argued roads in the city are simply too unsafe for cyclists to…

Cyclists and pedestrians alike are clashing over calls for police to enforce bans on pavement cycling in Lincoln.

Residents have told of collisions between shoppers and cyclists in the city centre in a plea to bikers not to use footpaths, but others have argued roads in the city are simply too unsafe for cyclists to use.

Labour county councillors yesterday called for more stringency from police on laws banning cyclists from riding on pavements. 

Carholme ward councillor Rob Parker said pavement cycling is becoming increasingly dangerous in places like Yarborough Hill and Steep Hill.

Lincoln Police Chief Inspector Stuart Brian responded to demands stating the force was aware of issues.

He argued however that enforcement was not necessarily the answer, “but responsible cycling is”.

Many people contacted the newsroom following the story on The Lincolnite to share their experiences of pavement cycling, but not all were in agreement about the ban.

Footpath crashes

Nick Ricketts from Lincoln said: “I am a cyclist and I cycle to work and back. I use roads and designated cycle tracks. I cannot stand cyclists who abuse this.

“At least three times a day, when I have a day off work, I have to walk out of the way of these [cyclists] who are too scared to use the road.

“I walked out of a shop on the High Street only two nights ago, and two cyclists cycling (side by side) on the pavement cycled into me. I told them to use the road and it’s illegal to cycle on the pavement. I was ignored.

“Some even cycle and weave around people at high speed on a busy pavement.

“I have even seen elderly folk knocked down by cyclists who swiftly cycle away and not even apologise.

“I don’t want to have to pay cycle insurance due to these absent minded people.”

Ged Makepeace added that he had lost confidence in the current system: “I was hit by a cyclist on the high street some two years ago.

“This incident was reported to the police who sent the PCSO and a statement was taken. After several near misses to customers at the shop I was working at, it was again repotting to the police. Several visits later and numerous occasions witnessed by the force, no action was taken.

“This is why people don’t feel like reporting issues of this nature.”

‘Roads aren’t safe enough’

Others argued that they did not feel safe enough to cycle on the roads in the city centre. David Meridan posted on the story: “What person with an ounce of common sense would ride a bicycle on Lincoln’s roads?

“The pavement is far, far safer. Just don’t ride like a lunatic and respect other pavement users.”

Jonathan Haw added: “Perhaps our county councillors might ask the question why cyclists use the pavements?

“Maybe due to the lack of safe cycling routes in the majority of the city centre, with frangmented “cycle lanes” (basically a painted line offering no protection from cars) which lead to nowhere.

“Even the brand new transport hub doesn’t have any safe cycle links. Maybe they could also focus on tackling motorists who drive onto pavements to park – a statistically far more dangerous activity, and one which the county council actually encourages by painting parking bays onto pavements.

“Thank goodness for the police officer’s sensible and measured response to this.”