November 16, 2017 8.45 am This story is over 79 months old

‘They are absolutely brilliant’: NHS chief reunited with ambulance crew who saved his life

Real lifesavers.

An NHS chief who became seriously unwell at home with a suspected case of sepsis has thanked the ambulance crew who saved his life.

John Webster, 52, accountable officer for Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), was at his home in Stamford on June 12, 2016, when he suddenly became unresponsive and his wife had to call 999.

He had been receiving regular chemotherapy for lymphoma cancer, and believed he was going to die when he developed the life-threatening infection.

Paramedic Hannah Fardell and technician Paul Wand from Spalding Ambulance Station arrived at the scene, finding John unresponsive and with a high temperature and heart rate – all indicators sepsis.

Friends and family helped the ambulance crew get John down the stairs and on his way to hospital.

John spent a week in Peterborough Hospital on IV antibiotics after being diagnosed with an infection in his Hickman Line used for feeding as part of his cancer treatment.

Over one year on, John is now 16 months into remission and visited Hannah and Paul at Spalding Ambulance Station to personally thank them.

He said: “I really appreciate everything you did for me and my family that day, I will always be grateful.

“You are absolutely brilliant people.”

Hannah said: “I remembered John so well, it’s lovely to be reunited with him and see his recovery going well.”