December 14, 2017 12.34 pm This story is over 78 months old

Beginning with ‘D’: How many of these Lincolnshire words do you know?

Do you know these 10 Lincolnshire words beginning with D?

Forget the well-known classic Lincolnshire words, if you dig a little deeper there’s a whole dictionary of Yellowbelly phrases.

Lincolnshire has lost a lot of its great dialect over time from its Anglo Saxon roots, mainly because of the agriculture in the county.

Here’s our fourth instalment of our Lincolnshire words feature and your chance to test your lingo with phrases beginning with ‘D’.

How many do you know?

  1. Delve
  2. Dree
  3. Dyke
  4. Druv
  5. Darter
  6. Daff/Daffy
  7. Darklins
  8. Dagbite
  9. Dawl
  10. Ditted

Scroll down for answers

Photo by reader Jason Corrigan

Photo: Marc Freeman


  • Delve – To work hard
  • Dree – Drawn out, tedious
  • Dyke – Ditch or drain
  • Druv – Driven, drove
  • Darter -Daughter
  • Daff/Daffy – Doughy
  • Darklins – Just twilight
  • Dagbite – Meat between meals
  • Dawl – To tire
  • Ditted – Dirty, grimy

How many did you get right?

All words and definitions taken from Lindsey Bourne’s Lincolnshire Dialect book.