December 5, 2017 12.22 pm This story is over 78 months old

What will increased security look like at Lincoln Christmas Market 2017?

“Lincolnshire Police are here to keep people safe.”

Extra security measures will be in place this year ahead of the annual Lincoln Christmas Market.

As well as the usual road restrictions and policing, there will be an armed police presence in response to recent UK terror incidents.

Alongside armed policing teams, visitors will also notice an increase in counter-terrorism action such as extra road blocks and drones

There will be two rings of road restrictions surrounding the market, with the inside ring being out of bounds to all traffic.

Photo: Steve Smailes for The Lincolnite

Hostile Vehicle Mitigation (HVM) road blocks will be in place to stop all unauthorised vehicles from entering the market area.

Police will also use drones alongside CCTV to monitor crowds and keep people safe during the event.

These road closures will also be in place:

Road closures and restrictions during Lincoln Christmas Market. (Click or tap to expand)

The Lincoln Christmas Market, which is in its 35th year, will run from Thursday, December 7 to Sunday, December 10.

Chief Inspector Stewart Brinn of Lincolnshire Police, previously said: “Anyone who has been before will know that there are always a number of police officers around who are on hand to offer advice and also report to should people need any assistance, and this year there have also been some other security measures such as blocking off roads at key locations.

“I’d like to emphasise that the installation of these measures is not based on any emerging threat or intelligence.

“We will have officers at the market, some of whom will be armed as they often are at events as large as this one, and they are there for you.

“Please talk to them, ask them for advice, and please tell them if you have any concerns or see anything suspicious.”