March 30, 2018 11.53 am This story is over 82 months old

Firefighters called to rescue cat stuck between shops

The cat was stuck in a narrow gap between two shops.

Firefighters had to be called to rescue a cat stuck in a narrow gap between two shops in Market Rasen.

The alarm was called by the manager of the Age UK Lindsey charity shop in the town after she heard mewing.

On Tuesday evening, charity shop manager Diane heard the sound of a cat in distress but was unable to locate the source of the mewing.

The following morning Diane and sales assistant Angela restarted their search for the lost cat, guessing it may have been hiding in the small gap between Age UK Lindsey’s shop and the neighbouring building.

They made good use of the shop’s “secret door to nowhere” installed specifically to gain access to the narrow void.

There they found the cat wedged some way up between the two buildings.

There’s a ‘secret door to nowhere’ between the two shops to access a narrow gap.

But the cat was just too far away to be reached, and wasn’t responding to their calls.

Fearing the worst, they contacted the local RSPCA officer, who was also unable to rescue the cat.

With no other options available, they called Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue, who could not climb up to reach the cat, so instead they used a long, pointed pole, typically used for poking holes in ceilings.

Happily, the cat was retrieved.

Not put off by his night spent trapped in the dark, he decided to fully investigate the Age UK Lindsey shop, before being caught and safely placed in the awaiting basket.

He was later returned to his owner, thanks to being microchipped.