April 23, 2018 4.24 pm This story is over 80 months old

Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School celebrates best ever Ofsted rating

They’ve left their special measures status behind

Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School on Wragby Road has been given its most successful Ofsted rating, upgrading its status from Inadequate to Good.

The secondary school achieved a Good score in all elements of the report after inspectors visited between February 27 and March 6 this year.

Effectiveness was graded with the following results in individual categories:

  • Effectiveness of leadership and management – Good
  • Quality of teaching, learning and assessment – Good
  • Personal development, behaviour and welfare – Good
  • Outcomes for pupils – Good
  • 16 to 19 study programmes – Good

Inspectors noted “rapid improvements” at the school since the last inspection three months ago.

They added in summary: “They have worked systematically to ensure that the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is good overall.

“The outcomes for the pupils have risen significantly. Overall, the pupils make good progress. The boys do not make as much progress as the girls.”

In addition, inspectors praised the improved attendance rates, though added that disadvantages groups did not attend as regularly as others.

Lincoln Christ’s Hospital School was told there are some areas that still require improvement such as the influence of the governing body, the progress of boys and the progress of all groups of students in the sixth form.

With 1,325 pupils, inspectors noted LCH was bigger than the average-sized secondary school. The proportion of special education needs students and disadvantages pupils is also above average.

Headteacher Martin Mckeown said: “We are, and always have been, very proud of our school.

“I am so delighted for our students, staff and parents that their exceptionally hard work, resilience, determination, and professionalism has now been recognised by our most recent report.

“Within three months of the publication of our last report, we were celebrating the best results the school has ever seen.

“We celebrated the fact that students who attend LCHS make more progress in comparison to students nationally, and most locally.

“Within ten months of the last report, which judged us as ‘special measures’, we have been judged as ‘good’ overall and in every category. This is testament to the spirit and determination of our school community.

“I cannot tell you what a privilege it is to work in LCHS.  Our staff truly are amazing and deserve this judgment.

“This is only the beginning – we are not resting!  As a school, we are proud of an educational heritage that can be traced back to 1090; however, our focus is on an incredibly exciting future.  It is time for students and staff to be proud of their school and for the city to be proud that we are a strength in our local area and county.”