August 2, 2018 5.29 pm This story is over 76 months old

A15 Scampton lane closures from next week

Maintenance works on the A15/A1500 roundabout

Drivers around Scampton will see nearly a week of lane closures due to maintenance works on the A15/A1500 roundabout this month.

The works, which include kerb repairs and drainage maintenance, will take place near Welton Cliff next week from August 6 to 10.

During the works there will be a 24-hour lane closure in place on the north leg of the A15 roundabout to provide safe working zones.

There will also be an inside lane closure on the A15/A1500 roundabout.

Two-way traffic signals on the A1500 leg of the roundabout will be in place for one evening from 7pm to 6am.

A highways spokesperson said: “These works follow on from the carriageway reconstruction and roundabout widening that took place last October and are essential to ensuring that the roundabout itself continues to operate properly, from both a drainage and a surfacing perspective.

“We’ll be doing everything we can to minimise this – for example, by keeping the flow of traffic moving and not restricting vehicle movement while we undertake the maintenance.

“However; due to the nature of the works there may be some temporary disruptions, so ask for your continued patience while these works are carried out.”