August 17, 2018 11.08 am This story is over 76 months old

Lincolnshire A Level pass rate above national average

See how Lincolnshire A Level students did

Provisional A Level results from the majority of schools in the county show that students in Lincolnshire have continued to achieve well, Lincolnshire County Council said.

Councillor Patricia Bradwell, Executive Councillor for Children’s Services said: “We are extremely proud of the achievements of our students.

“A Levels represent some of the toughest examinations and I’m delighted students and the schools supporting them have been rewarded with some outstanding results. I congratulate the students on their success and wish them well for the next stage in their education, training or employment.”

ALSO READ: Rewind Lincolnshire students open A Level envelopes

The provisional Lincolnshire pass rate for A Level entries is 97.8%, which is above the national average.

Three quarters of students achieved three or more A Levels, with one quarter of all entries successful at the highest A* to A grades and half of all grades at A* to B grades.

Eleven schools have increased their percentage of students achieving A* grades.

In 27 out of 31 schools, at least 90% of students achieved one or more A-level at A* to E.

The percentage of Lincolnshire A Level entries securing A*, A*-A, A*-B, A*-C and A*-E is ahead of the East Midlands average in every case.

Debbie Barnes, Director of Children’s Services, added: “Despite the changes to qualifications and new ways of assessing A-levels, our students have continued to achieve well, showing real determination and dedication to reach their goals. Congratulations to all of our students on their results and I wish them all the best for the future.”