September 11, 2018 12.26 pm This story is over 75 months old

Leisure park extension approved

Approved with conditions.

An extension to a Trusthorpe holiday park to include 50 touring pitches and 16 holiday homes has been approved – but the owners will have to return to the district council if they want both halves of their business to open at the same time.

The application, for land north of the Trusthorpe Springs Leisure Park was given the go-ahead by councillors on East Lindsey District Council’s planning committee, in line with officers’ recommendations which said it would ‘extend and add to an existing well established holiday park’.

The move will also allow the current entrance to the park to be moved to a safer location.

However, a condition set by the officers called for the accommodation only to be occupied between March 15 and October 31 – or the first Sunday in November if half-term falls in that month.

An image showing the expanded layout to the leisure park.

It followed concerns raised by the Environment Agency, who did not object to the proposal, but wanted more details of foul water discharge.

Councillor Sid Dennis pointed out that this would means the two adjacent sites would have different rules.

He called on the committee to change the condition, and said: “To say we’re going against common sense is difficult for me to accept.”

However, the council’s legal advisor said the change would be ‘contrary to Environment Agency advice’ and would require a ‘full consultation with the EA.

She said she was not sure what material reason the council would give ‘besides common sense’. Councillor Dennis went on to argue it would be more expense to the applicant and would be injuring the job.

A suggestion to defer the decision was also discarded.

Speaking in support of the application Mr Wright said: “The company sees our proposed development providing safe, sustainable environment for touring, tending and holiday homes where guests want to return year after year.”

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