October 10, 2018 4.22 pm This story is over 68 months old

Aunt’s brave walk to fund headstone for baby angel Ava-Grace

Her family still don’t have a headstone to remember her by

The Lincoln aunt of a baby girl who died at just seven months old is on a mission to give her and her family a headstone in her memory.

Ava-Grace was born on April 28, 2015 eight weeks early and by C-section due to a number of complications. She was starved of oxygen to the brain and rushed to the neonatal intensive care unit where hospital staff did all they could to keep her alive.

Sadly, she had suffered severe brain damage. Mum Nikki Campbell and family went through traumatic ups and downs as Ava-Grace seemed determined to defy the odds before becoming ill again and transferring to a hospice.

Ava-Grace passed away on November 30, 2015 at just seven months old.

Three years have passed, and Ava’s family are desperate to give her a headstone.

Nikki’s sister Robyn Ashleigh Campbell decided to set herself a mission of raising the £3,500 for Ava-Grace’s headstone by walking 45 miles from Lincoln to Skegness in one day.

Robyn and her niece Ava-Grace on their last day together.

In addition, she’ll take on the walk, supported by a number of friends, in a specially chosen fancy dress costume.

Robyn is asking people to donate and sponsor her walk by visiting the GoFundMe page here, where she has so far collected £400. 

She said: “It’s been three years and Ava still doesn’t have a headstone for her family and friends to remember her by.

“We’re covering 45 miles in one day from Lincoln to Skegness and have set up the page for people to sponsor and help us achieve the full amount, set for a family that’s desperate to give their baby angel what she deserves.

“Ava-Grace was part of so many people’s lives and loved by so many, so I’m asking all our friends and family and anyone with a heart to please help us gather as many donations as possible.”

To find out more and to donate to the cause, visit the GoFundMe page here.