October 5, 2018 3.27 pm This story is over 75 months old

Baby loss commemorated at Lincolnshire hospitals

People are being encourage to wear a butterfly to show their support

Families who have suffered the loss of a baby are being supported by Lincolnshire hospitals in a national week of remembrance.

Everyone who visits a Lincolnshire hospital from Monday October 8 to the following Monday will be encouraged to support the cause by wearing a butterfly with pride.

The hospital trust appealed for volunteers to craft the butterfly badges earlier this year for Baby Loss Awareness Week and were “overwhelmed” by the response.

Many of the donations were accompanied with personal stories of how the loss of a baby had impacted volunteers.

Pamela Beattie, hospital chaplain, said: “We put out the call a while ago for people to crochet butterflies to commemorate baby loss and the response was overwhelming.

“Thank you to everyone who has supported this.”

Anyone who visits the hospital chapels during Baby Loss Awareness Week will also be encouraged to pause and spend a moment to reflect and remember a baby who has died.

Thousands of families across the country are affected by the death of a baby or experience pregnancy loss every year.