November 27, 2018 11.21 am This story is over 74 months old

Grit bins finds: half-eaten kebabs, poo bags and needles

Look after your local grit bin

Half-eaten kebabs, dog poo bags and even used needles were discovered inside grit bins in Lincolnshire.

This included half-eaten kebabs being found in bins on Monks Road in Lincoln.

Now Lincolnshire County Council is reminding people that grit bins are not for rubbish.

Dog poo bags were discovered in grit bins in Lincolnshire.

The county council grits 2,000 miles of road each time temperature drops, but doesn’t have the resources to routinely salt the footpaths.

However, the authority works closely with a range of local organisations to clears some steep and well-used pavement, providing them with the salt they need.

Executive Member for Highways and Transport at Lincolnshire County Council, Councillor Richard Davies, said: “The council provides and refills almost 1,900 grit bins for local communities to use on paths and roads in their area.

“Recently, a number of the bins have been found full of rubbish, including half-eaten kebabs, dog poo bags and even used needles.

“This is clearly not what they are intended for, and it’s extremely unpleasant for those helping to keep their local community free of snow and ice. So please do look after your local grit bin.”

Dog poo bags, a bottle and what appears to be food leftovers were discovered in grit bins in Lincolnshire.

As previously reported, Lincolnshire’s gritters gave a special blessing to pray for safety on the county’s roads when the Bishop of Grantham visited the Sturton By Stow depot earlier this month.