November 12, 2018 10.04 am This story is over 74 months old

RAF Coningsby personnel march in remembrance

In pictures.

Personnel from RAF Coningsby joined with local people to remember those who have lost their lives in the Armed Forces on Sunday.

In this year, which marks the 100th anniversary of both the Armistice and the formation of the Royal Air Force, personnel from RAF Coningsby took part in parades, wreath-laying ceremonies, and church service in both Coningsby and Boston.

Raf Coningsby personnel on parade in Coningsby.

They also took part in further wreath-laying services at Metheringham, Woodhall Spa, and East Kirkby.

Wing Commander Leanne Warner lays a wreath at Boston War Memorial. Photo: RAF Coningsby

In Coningsby there was a parade at the War Memorial where Station Commander, Group Captain Mark Flewin, together with civic dignitaries and groups representing the community, laid wreaths before a service in St Michaels Church.

RAF Coningsby personnel on parade at Boston. Photo: RAF Coningsby

In Boston, Wing Commander Leanne Warner laid a wreath on behalf of the station before a service at St Boltoph’s Church, accompanied by the Mayor and Mayoress of Boston.

The wreaths at Metheringham, Woodhall Spa, and East Kirkby were laid by Wing Commanders Chisholm, Smiley, and Gibb respectively.