November 1, 2018 1.12 pm This story is over 69 months old

Scunthorpe steelworkers sculpture to be unveiled

It will become an iconic feature of the High Street

A sculpture to celebrate Scunthorpe’s connection with the steel industry is set to be unveiled in the town centre this weekend.

It will be revealed to the public for the first time by MP Nik Dakin on November 3 outside the Oldrids department store.

The sculpture depicts a male and female steelworker heading home after a day of work.

It will invoke a lot of memories for people with connections to the steelworks, especially those who remember the hundreds that rode their bikes to and from work.

The bicycle became an iconic symbol of the steelworks. Photo: Know Media

The original sketch of the design. Photo: Know Media

Last minute work is underway to finalise the plinth with a 1940s period streetlight, which the sculpture will be placed on.

Following the unveiling, the sculpture artist Ray Lonsdale will be at the 20-21 Visual Arts Centre from 1:30pm to 3:30pm to talk about his work.

Adrian Holmes, project manager, said: “The sculpture is all about everyday people that have worked on the steelworks over the years, right through to the present day and into the future.

“The steelworks and the people that worked there built this town and the sculpture is a monument to this and a mark of the town’s steelworks heritage.

“We invite all to come and see the unveiling which marks the final chapter of a project that’s been over seven years in the making.

“Much of the time spent was applying to various funding organisations, and we will be giving our thanks on the day to all those that helped with this campaign.”