November 7, 2018 1.03 pm This story is over 73 months old

Star Wars themed future show returns to Lincoln

Blast off and have lots of fun

People had the chance to get their ‘Hans’ on the latest tech and become Jedi Knights in Lincoln today.

Inspired by the Star Wars franchise, school children and local residents had the chance be at one with the force.

The free one day only Future 2.0 event at the Engine Shed had lots for people to enjoy.

Virtual reality worlds, robot wars and lightsaber fights were all on offer for visitors.

Popular Youtube creator called ‘Tomska’ was also at the event meeting fans and holding question and answer sessions.

He is also known as Thomas Ridgewell, a former University of Lincoln graduate, and has over 5.4 million subscribers on his comedy channel.

We sent our reporter Emily White down to check out the event, meet Tomska, and try out the VR shooting game.