January 11, 2019 9.06 am This story is over 71 months old

High tech thieves steal two expensive cars

BMW and Mercedes cars still missing

Expensive BMW and Mercedes cars were stolen from properties by thieves hacking through their security with electronic devices.

Lincolnshire Police have issued a warning to motorists with keyless entry after the vehicles were stolen overnight on January 8.

A black Mercedes Benz and a dark grey BMW M6 Grand Coupe were stolen from Stamford and Bourne respectively.

It is believed that an electronic device was used by thieves to mirror the signal of the owner’s car fobs.

Inspector Ian Martin said: “The owners of the vehicles still have the key in their possession. It looks as though a set of electronics have been used to capture the signal that’s sent from the key to the car to gain access.

“We would advise owners of keyless cars to buy a Faraday bag. The bag acts as a key signal shield to help protect owners from having their cars stolen.”

The vehicles are yet to be recovered. Anyone with information about the incidents are being urged to contact police with incident number 28 for the Mercedes and incident number 62 for the BMW.