January 24, 2019 11.38 am This story is over 65 months old

“People’s views on second referendum changing” says campaign group

Campaign group calls for second referendum

Groups calling for a second vote on the European Union are stepping up their campaigns in response to the latest deal and a shift in attitude, they say.

North East Lincolnshire European Movement says the feelings of residents on Brexit are changing.

A Brexitometre in the centre of Grimsby, they say, saw the 50-60 people they spoke to mostly supported a People’s Vote on the final deal.

Members of the North East Lincolnshire European Movement at their stall on in Grimsby.

Brian Milne, from the group, said: “We were really surprised actually, because we thought it would be a big leave area, but there was a clear message.

“Yes, we are stepping things up, because obviously we want a people’s vote in Grimsby, which was a target area for the campaign to see what the residents actually wanted.

“It was a big leave area, but the feeling is now moving from leave to remain which clearly showed on the Brexitometre.”

John Bland chairman of the the Lincolnshire European Movement Branch said: “Whichever way you voted, more than two and a half years ago, nobody voted for a deal that makes us poorer & leaves us with less control. “It’s now clear that what was promised in the referendum two and a half years ago, simply can’t be delivered. Brexit will mean negotiations go on forever, as successive governments try to make sense of what makes no-sense at all.

“Whatever form Brexit takes, it will leave us in a much worse position than the deal we already have as part of the European Union. That’s why the final decision must now be handed back to the people – because only they can sort this mess out .”

The debate over a second referendum is heating up, especially after Prime Minister Theresa May’s deal was rejected in parliament by a record-breaking 230 votes last Tuesday.

A tweaked deal, which could see a number of amendments, is set to go before the House of Commons again next Tuesday.

Great Grimsby MP Melanie Onn

Grimsby MP Melanie Onn recently ruled out supporting as second referendum, outlining 14 reasons why she wouldn’t be doing so.

Elsewhere in Greater Lincolnshire Lincolnshire County Council economy chief Colin Davies recently said a second EU referendum would be “dangerous and divisive” for the UK.

He described the vote as being “bad for politics and bad for society” adding: “We have had the biggest ever test of the population in the referendum on June 23, 2016 and more people voted in that than in anything before.

“Saying that we are going to ignore that and have another referendum would be so bad for politics and so bad for society.”

Councillor Colin Davie, executive councillor for economy and place at Lincolnshire County Council.

Mr Milne said: “We can see where he’s coming from but when we did the Brexitometre, the people’s response was that they didn’t know what they were voting for in 2016.

“Yes, it was leave or stay but they didn’t know what the deal looked like, so that’s why people now are voting for a second referendum , so they have got the facts and know what it looks like.”

Campaign stands will be set up in Lincoln and Cleethorpes this Saturday.

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