February 25, 2019 4.46 pm This story is over 66 months old

Ambulance and car crash on busy road

Traffic is building in the area

An ambulance and a car have collided on a busy road near Sleaford.

Traffic is building on the A15 near Leasingham after the crash at around 3pm on Monday, February 25.

East Midlands Ambulance Service could not confirm whether there were any patients on board at the time.

No one involved in the crash received any medical attention.

Traffic has been building in the area.

A spokesperson for EMAS said: “We received a call at 2.53pm on 25 February to the A15 near Leasingham.

“The caller reported that there had been a road traffic collision between a car and one of our Urgent Care Vehicles. No-one required medical assistance.”