March 11, 2019 9.49 am This story is over 63 months old

Fly-tippers dump rubbish and urine bottles just days after A180 cleanup

The clean lay-bys didn’t last long

Fly-tippers dumped rubbish in laybys on the A180 – including bottles of urine – just days after they were cleared by North East Lincolnshire Council’s street cleansing team.

More than 2.5 tonnes of waste was cleared from some of the laybys on one of the main routes into North East Lincolnshire last week.

The total is likely to be closer to five tonnes when all of them have been cleared.

Photo: NELC

The team removed old TVs, sofas, tyres, traffic bollards, boxes, towels, curtains, bedding, bin bags and lots of bottles of urine.

The laybys looked much better after they had been cleared but it was only a matter of days before people started messing them up again.

Council enforcement officers from the Community Protection and Compliance team are investigating and need to hear from anyone who knows where the fly-tipped waste came from or who dumped it.

Photo: NELC

Councillor David Bolton, portfolio holder for Safer and Stronger Communities, said:

“Our street cleansing team are often faced with disgusting sights and smells during the course of their work, but clearing away bottles of urine is particularly gross.

“It really is sickening when they’ve worked hard to keep an area clear only to see it spoiled again within a few days.

“If anyone saw people dumping waste in any of the laybys, or if you know who it belongs to, please report it at and give as much information as possible. Alternatively, call 01472 326300.”

Councillor Steve Beasant, chairman of the overview and scrutiny committee, added: