June 19, 2019 10.52 am This story is over 62 months old

Police hunt jet skiers who terrorised seal colony

A local expert said it could drive the seals away from the area

Lincolnshire Police are hunting three jet ski riders after they were caught on film scaring a seal colony.

As previously reported, a local birdwatcher was shocked to see the jet ski riders get so close to the seals at Gibraltar Point, Skegness.

Many of the 250 seals are expecting pups and will be heavily pregnant at this point in the season.

A spokesperson for the police force said: “We are investigating a report that three jet ski riders were scaring seals off sand dunes.

“This was reported to have happened at midday on June 16.”

Do you know who did it?

Anyone with information is being urged to contact 101, quoting incident 340 of June 16.

The manager of Natureland Seal Sanctuary, Matthew Yeadon, told Lincolnshire Reporter that the jet skiers could drive them away for good if it keeps happening.

He said: “It’s just plain idiocy. Some of the seals will be quite heavily pregnant at this point so it will give the animals a lot of problems.

“These are big animals with a bite strength stronger than a Rottweiler so it can be dangerous for anyone who gets near them.

“If these people are persistent it could drive the already dwindling species away from the area. It’s the most direct harassment and tormenting we’ve seen.”

Many others commented on the footage to call them “complete idiots” said they hoped it wouldn’t become a regular problem.