July 30, 2019 4.23 pm This story is over 59 months old

Police invite people to spend night in new cells for boy with rare cancer

Want to tick a night in the cells off your bucket list but don’t fancy committing a crime?

Lincolnshire Police is offering people the chance to spend a night in the South Park cells for a young Lincoln boy with cancer.

On Friday, September 6 the cells in the new £21 million joint ambulance, fire and police station will welcome its first guests.

The force is asking local businesses to chip in and nominate their colleagues for a night in the cells, which includes a prison evening meal and breakfast.

Guests will pay £250 for the night to raise money for a local nine-year-old boy called Alexander Goodwin.

The money will go towards rehabilitation, treatment and travel expenses for specialist treatment in Canada and America.

Alex has a rare type of bone cancer called Ewing Sarcoma and has been struggling with constant leg pain since Christmas 2015.

Fancy a night in the cells?

Alex was initially misdiagnosed before he was told that he had cancer in June 2016. He has used crutches ever since.

Shaun West, Assistant Chief Constable at Lincolnshire Police, will be responsible for booking in detainees.

He said: “We are excited to be able to offer this opportunity for people to experience a night in the cells – while raising money for a great cause.

“I can’t promise it will be the most comfortable night away – but what people will lack in home comforts they will make up for in knowing they are making a big difference to a special little boy.

“Lincolnshire Police were delighted to make Alex our honorary Mini Police Officer (wildlife) earlier this year, and with this event I hope we can support him and his family even more.”

John Horton, who is organising the event, said: “This is a chance to raise money for a great cause – but also a unique opportunity for most people.

“Organisations could nominate their boss, or the person that is always late – or even the person who always brings in the smelly lunch!

“You will need to get in touch soon though – there are a limited number of cells and people have been surprisingly keen!”

Anyone interested should send an email to John Horton on [email protected].