August 13, 2019 10.23 am This story is over 64 months old

Lincoln Tesco gives away 250 free Race for Life places

250 places awarded to Lincoln shoppers

Some 250 free Race for Life places are being offered out by Tesco in Lincoln to celebrate its centenary year.

The free places are on offer for all Race for Life events taking place across the country from now until September.

On a first come, first serve basis, the first 250 people to sign up here with code LSLRFL19 will be given a free entry to the event of their choice.

The next 10K Lincoln Race For Life is taking place at the Lincolnshire Showgorund on Saturday, October 12 at 10am. 

Alec Brown, Head of Local Communications at Tesco, said: “Race for Life is an opportunity for thousands of men, women and children to come together and raise money to support life-saving cancer research. We’re very proud to have been Race for Life’s partner for 18 years and during that time, Tesco has raised over £45million for Cancer Research UK’s vital work.

“We’re celebrating 100 years since Tesco was founded and are giving away 250 free places in Lincoln to mark this milestone so that even more people can get involved with their local Race for Life.

“Everyone can take part at their own pace and every little step helps beat cancer. Our colleagues can’t wait to join everyone at the start line again this year.”

Sarah Pickersgill, Head of the Race for Life Marketing said: “All the money raised will help Cancer Research UK scientists and doctors find new ways to prevent, diagnose and treat the disease, helping save more lives.”