August 12, 2019 4.07 pm This story is over 58 months old

Suspicious man “asked young girls to meet him in park”

Concerned family warning others

Police are investigating reports that a man in his 30s has been asking young children to meet them at a park.

The suspicious man reportedly had a bottle of wine in hands when he was chatting to young girls on Venables Way near the Carlton Centre.

A concerned uncle told The Lincolnite about the incident after his 9-year-old niece said what had happened on Sunday, August 11.

Luke Kendall said: “The man was dressed in all black with blonde hair and a British accent, but he claimed to be from America.

“He was stood talking to young children asking them to go to the shop with him to buy sweets while holding a bottle of wine.

The man asked the girls to meet him at Venables Way park. Photo: Google Maps

“The man also asked my niece and her friends to meet him at the park on Tuesday coming up.”

Lincolnshire Police confirmed that they were investigating the incidents and that they were in the process of interviewing witnesses.

Anyone with information on the incident is being urged to call 101 and quote incident 420 of August 11.