September 12, 2019 11.07 am This story is over 57 months old

Great Gonerby affordable homes plan approved on second go

It was rejected previously after saying developer contributions would be unviable

Developers of an entirely affordable home development in Great Gonerby, who were previously refused permission after saying they could not afford to pay extra contributions, have now had their 46-home plan granted.

Longhurst and Havelock’s first application for the Easthorpe Road build was refused in April after an independent inspector said the more than £150,000 requested by education and health authorities was unviable.

Councillors at the time said the affordable homes aspect would not outweigh the impact of the build. They also considered the design out of character with its context.

However, yesterday the applicant presented plans with a number of changes, including setting back several properties with private driveways from the main road and converting others to bungalows.

Council officers told councillors the principle of the development, which will receive Homes England funding, was “acceptable”.

Plans showing the modified site layout including the set-back houses on Easthorpe Road.

It’s quite an attractive street scheme and wouldn’t have an impact on the area,” says the officer.

Again it was assessed unviable for developer contributions, though this time the NHS had not asked for extra money.

Concerns were raised about the density of the properties and flood zone risk.

SKDC ward member Councillor Ian Stokes said he was “disappointed” by the reappearance of the plans so soon after their initial refusal in April.

He said: “Easthorpe Road is a rural street and has remained virtually unchanged since the 1960s.”

The plans include a mix of shared ownership and rented accommodation, made up of two, three and four bedroom properties.

A design showing the new homes were laid out originally.

The last application received a 150 signature petition, though this time only 14 people had written to object.

Dave Stutting, representing Longhurst and Havelock Homes, said work on the plans had been ongoing for two years.

“The site is a sustainable location and is close enough to amenities and services. We believe this scheme will deliver benefits in the form of much-needed local housing,” he said, adding that it will “help people get their foot on the property ladder.”

Councillor Robert Reid said: “I really think this is a good situation in coming back. We do need affordable housing for people.”

SKDC currenty has 39 applicants on its affordable rented housing list with links to Great Gonerby.

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