September 10, 2019 4.11 pm This story is over 63 months old

Mistreated Lincoln dog loses eye

Charlie’s owner has now been prosecuted

A dog in Lincoln has lost an eye due to a lack of veterinary care according to the RSPCA.

Five-year-old Lhasa Apso Charlie was handed into a veterinary surgery on Wragby Road in Lincoln in April 2019 needing urgent treatment.

He was given to the vets with a prolapsed eye, which had been left untreated, and matted fur.

Charlie was taken to the vets with a prolapsed eye and matted fur. Photo: RSPCA

The vets contacted the RSPCA and Charlie went into the RSPCA’s care. Vets tried to save his eye, but it had ruptured and needed to be removed.

Charlie has since been rehomed and is living a much happier life.

The RSPCA also said his owner was found and prosecuted, banned from keeping dogs and ordered to pay costs.

Charlie has now been rehomed. Photo: RSPCA

Kate Burris, the RSPCA inspector who investigated this case, said: “Charlie had been handed into the vets with a severely prolapsed eye and matted fur which needed urgent veterinary treatment. It’s not clear how long he had suffered.

“The vets contacted us and Charlie came into our care. Vets tried to save his eye but unfortunately it had ruptured and the eye needed to be removed.

Photo: RSPCA

“It’s sad to see an animal get into this state, especially when this could have been avoided with prompt veterinary care.”

The charity also highlighted the importance of having a pet insured in the event of unexpected vet bills.

Photo: RSPCA

It is advised to speak to the vet as many practices can offer a payment plan and there are charities, including PDSA, who offer discounted or free veterinary treatment for those who are eligible.

Kate added: “We understand that people’s circumstances can change or they may be struggling to cope but it is your responsibility to ensure your pet gets the care they need when they need it.

Photo: RSPCA

“It can be difficult admitting that you need help but there are charities who can help people who are struggling to pay for veterinary care for their animals and that means pets like Charlie can get the treatment they need.”