September 2, 2019 5.16 pm This story is over 57 months old

‘Punish a Muslim letter’ Lincoln white supremacist faces jail

He will be sentenced on Tuesday

The man from Lincoln behind the “Punish a Muslim Day” campaign, who sent over 300 malicious letters to public figures including the Queen, admitted a string of offences in court on Monday.

As previously reported, David Parnham, 36, of St Andrews Close in Lincoln was arrested by Counter Terrorism Policing North East, supported by Lincolnshire Police in June 2018.

At a court hearing at The Old Bailey on Monday, September 2, Parnham, who previously worked at the City of Lincoln Council in a junior administrative role, admitted 15 offences.

This included soliciting murder, encouraging crime, bomb and noxious substance hoaxes and sending letters with intent to cause distress.

The offences relate to hundreds of letters penned between June 2016 and June 2018.

At Monday’s hearing a psychiatrist revealed that the defendant did not regret what he had done and did not consider it “particularly serious”.

The court also heard further details about the case ahead of Parnham’s sentencing on Tuesday, September 3 including:

  • Parnham had launched waves of malicious letters targeting mosques, politicians and the Queen for more than a decade
  • He sent letters to mosques and Islamic centres around Britain in February 2007
  • Parnham sent fake poison to the Queen with a letter saying “The Clowns R Coming 4 You”.
  • The hoax letter to the queen triggered a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) response, but Parnham claimed he did not recall writing to the Queen
  • He sent similar notes to the then Prime Minister Theresa May and two bishops, as well as the Home Office, in October 2016. This also contained white power and made an apparent reference to reports of attacks by people dressed as clowns
  • Parnham also sent “Punish a Muslim Day” hate mail urging people to earn points by attacking and killing muslims
  • Letters full of white powder were also sent addressed to former PM David Cameron and the Tory peer Lord Ahmed of Wimbledon, as well as a number of mosques. The letter to Cameron contained the phrase “Allah is great”. Letters to MPs and mosques included the phrase “Paki Filth”
  • Seven letters were intercepted at Sheffield mail centre in July 2016. They were found to contain harmless white powered. A further 11 letters were found to have been delivered
  • In December 2016 he sent a fan letter to Dylann Roof, a white supremacist terrorist who murdered nine people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
  • In March 2017 letters were sent to addresses around the University of Sheffield campus calling for the extermination of minority racial and religious groups
  • A letter to Berkeley Street mosque in Hull contained a drawing of a sword with a swastika on it cutting someone’s head off with the words “You are going to be slaughtered very soon”. The author signed off as “Muslim Slayer”
  • In March 2018 Parnham sent over 300 letters to mosques and public figures calling for attacks in the street