September 3, 2019 3.34 pm This story is over 57 months old

‘Punish a Muslim’ letter Lincoln white supremacist jailed

He will initially serve the sentence in hospital

A white supremacist from Lincoln behind the “Punish a Muslim Day” campaign, who sent over 300 malicious letters to public figures including fake anthrax to the Queen, has been jailed.

David Parnham, 36, admitted 15 offences before being sentenced to 12 years and six months at a hearing at the Old Bailey on Tuesday, September 3.

The offences relate to hundreds of letters penned between June 2016 and June 2018. They included soliciting murder, encouraging crime, bomb and noxious substance hoaxes and sending letters with intent to cause distress.

He will serve the sentence in hospital until he is well enough to be transferred to prison.

Parnham, who previously worked at the City of Lincoln in a junior administrative role, caused widespread fear and upset through his “Punish A Muslim Day’ hate campaign.

At Monday’s hearing a psychiatrist revealed that the defendant did not regret what he had done and did not consider it “particularly serious”.

Parnham, who reportedly admitted the idea of murdering ethnic minorities “turns me on”, sent the Queen fake anthrax with a note saying “The Clowns R coming 4 you”.

He sent similar letters containing white powder to the then prime minister Theresa May, two bishops and the Home Office in October 2016. As a result a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) response was launched.

He also sent letters to a large number of people in 2018 including several MPS such as David Cameron, and he urged people to beat and kill muslims.

Parnham, of St Andrews Close, was previously arrested by Counter Terrorism Policing North East, supported by Lincolnshire Police in June 2018 after a raid at his home and his office at City Hall.

Angela Andrews, Chief Executive of City of Lincoln Council said: “We were deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the actions of David Parnham and assisted police with their enquiries throughout the investigation. His actions do not reflect the values of City of Lincoln Council in any way.”

Police were approached for an image of Parnham, but told reporters that they would not be issuing his photograph due to the hospital order, despite the length of the sentence awarded to him.