October 16, 2019 2.31 pm This story is over 56 months old

Lincoln College submits new sports pitches and housing plans

The college says the development will help increase sports provision in the city

A new 3G sports pitch and 75 homes could be built on Lincoln’s Ravendale Sports Ground as part of an improvement proposal.

Plans by Lincoln College would see the current facilities at the site enhanced, including five-a-side, seven-a-side and nine-a-side grass football pitches.

Further proposals include a walking ‘trim trail’  and an overflow car park.

Tom Dannatt, Lincoln College Group Director of Finance and Commercial, said: “Currently this large piece of land is made up of a series of grass pitches the community has very limited access to.

The layout of the new development.

“The maintenance costs of this under-utilised land are a drain on limited college finances and much-needed investment is not possible without rationalising the site.”

He said the sale of the land for housing would free up money needed to enhance the facilities for both students and the community and would tackle a “critical shortage of affordable housing in the city” which he said was stopping young people from getting on the housing ladder.

“We are confident that this proposal would enhance sports facilities in the community; open up and improve an underused green space and provide new homes for young people and families.

“The business model for the sports facilities is still being developed and we are exploring a range of options in terms of how it will be managed.”

Designs for the new pitch.

One option being looked at according to the planning documents is Active Nation who also manage a number of the City of Lincoln’s facilities.

“This will ensure new and existing facilities are not in direct competition with each other and that demand for facilities can be managed effectively,” says the report.

The homes, say Lincoln College will include energy efficiency and low energy measures in a bid to reduce the impact on the environment.

It says they would “respect the setting and character of the surrounding residential areas”.

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