October 8, 2019 5.07 pm This story is over 62 months old

‘Utter disgrace!’ Jewellers kick up stink after shopfront is used as toilet

The business said the foul smell was putting some customers off

An independent jewellers based under the historic Stonebow on Lincoln High Street has said it is furious that the shopfront is being used as a toilet.

Warning: Some of the images further down in this report are not for the faint-hearted.

Staff at Guildhall Jewellers said they fear what will greet them in the morning and sometimes need to spend up to two hours cleaning up before they can open.

The regular mess is putting off customers who want to look through the high-end jewellers’ window but cannot stand the smell, which can linger outside in the morning, staff explained.

The manager said the problem has been ongoing for years, but she reached breaking point on Monday when she found a pile of what she believed to be poo.

Guildhall Jewellers is an independent Lincoln shop. Photo: The Lincolnite

Liza Walker, the manager at Guildhall Jewellers, told The Lincolnite that the City of Lincoln Council is failing to clean up the area.

She said: “Business is a struggle as it is. We pay very high business rates but get nothing for it. This is an utter disgrace to the city.

“We’re absolutely sick of it but we don’t know who is doing it. There are always rough sleepers outside so it could be them, or it could be people on a night out.

“I have asked the council about their lack of action for years, but after finding the poo outside I made a formal complaint. I have not yet heard back.”

Not for the faint hearted. Photo: Liza Walker

The manager thought they had a party. Photo: Liza Walker

The City of Lincoln Council said it was shocked to see people use the street as a public toilet.

Caroline Bird, the community services manager at City of Lincoln Council, said: “The city council spends considerable time and resources keeping Lincoln city centre clean. We work hard to try and maintain a hygienic environment for all.

“We are shocked by the way a small number of people do not consider the impact of their actions and seem happy to spoil the city centre for the rest of us.

“We will continue to do all we can to keep Lincoln clean, and will respond to individual problems with more frequent visits where and when possible.”